Our By-Laws

Rajasthani Kutumb of Victoria Inc. ABN: 91 393 557 191, Registration No: A 0044973G


The registered office of the association shall be at such office as the Management Committee may from time to time determine.



Joining Fee

Joining Fee is equivalent of “Annual Subscription Fee” amount for any new member in “Family” and “Students/Seniors” category. Joining fee is non-refundable and is in addition to the first year’s annual subscription fee.
The joining fee is also payable if a member’s membership lapses due to any reason (e.g. non payment of fees within the stipulated time as set out in the constitution and its by-laws) and if they want to rejoin the association.
The joining fee is not applicable on children of any existing paid member of the kutumb who decide to take a separate membership.

Subscription Fee


Membership applications from persons who are not of Rajasthani origin but can demonstrate active interest in Rajasthani culture and who add value to achieving Kutumb objectives may be considered by the committee. The number of such new members in a membership year must not exceed 3% of the number of total paid members at the end of the previous year.